
If elevator service is interrupted while you are a passenger, remain calm. Do not attempt to force the elevator doors open or leave the cab.

Press the Alarm button located on the elevator panel which will dial the building engineers or security 24 hours per day.

Bomb Threats

The purpose of having a bomb threat procedure is to have an orderly, safe and rapid procedure of conducting searches, providing prompt and necessary communications, rendering assistance, and evacuating and returning personnel to work in the event of a bomb threat.

Telephone Bomb Threat

In the event of a bomb threat either through a telephone call or by other means, the following procedure should be followed:

  1. Remain calm.
  2. Try to keep the caller talking as long as possible.
  3. Ask the person to repeat part of his message.
  4. Write down the message and obtain as much relevant information as possible. Below are some of the items listed on the form along with other information that would aid in the investigation:
    1. Time the call was received?
    2. When is the bomb due to explode?
    3. Identification of the caller?
    4. Why was the bomb put there?
  5. Try to recall every statement made by the caller and find out as much as possible about the caller. For example:
    1. Sex
    2. Age
    3. Voice characteristics (educated, low, high-pitched, accent)
    4. Speech (fast, slow, nervous, slurred throat drinks or drugs)
    5. Manner (calm, angry, hysterical, humorous)
    6. Background noises (road traffic, music, giggling, aircraft) After a bomb threat call has been received, immediately notify the Property Office. The Property Manager will coordinate the search activities and make necessary notifications.
    7. Notify coworkers in area

Civil Unrest

Should a riot or civil disturbance start outside the building, the security guards will immediately lock all entrances. The police will be notified and management will keep you informed.

If a disturbance should occur in the main lobby, all elevators will be turned off at the first floor and the police will be summoned.

Emergency Contacts

Emergency contact telephone numbers are as follows:

  • Emergency: 911 or 9-911
  • Security: 713-420-2300
  • Property Management Office: 713-420-1001

Fire Preparedness

Kinder Morgan is proud of its efforts to provide the highest possible levels of fire and life safety protection, which include fire and life safety education, as well as planning for emergencies. It is important that each tenant is well informed on all issues related to fire and life safety through the following measures:

Refer to the High-Rise Office Building Fire Safety Plan that is on file with the City of Houston.

Kinder Morgan provides semi-annual fire life safety training for tenants where a customized Power Point presentation review all of the building’s safety features.

Semi-annual fire drills are held to insure tenants know how to react in an emergency.

Building Fire Safety Plan

The fire safety plan relies on technology, including fire alarm and communications systems, smoke detectors, sprinklers, pressurization systems, door closers, and other safety mechanisms, and on Kinder Morgan’s highly trained staff and tenants, designated to assist with evacuation/relocation.

Tenant Emergency Personnel - Floor Wardens

A crucial step in the development of an evacuation plan is the appointment of Tenant Floor Wardens and Alternates; these individuals should have strong personalities and the ability to take charge in the event of an emergency. Strong decision action early in an emergency may save lives.

Heightened Alert

Local, national, or international events may dictate that additional measures should be put in place to ensure the safety of the building and its occupants. For example, extra security precautions may be necessary during trials of individual’s accused of serious crime or following incidents or threats of world terrorism. Kinder Morgan’s goal is to institute appropriate security measures without undue inconvenience to building users. Such measures may include the following:

  • Extra or more frequent patrols by security officers, including areas outside the building, with special attention paid to apparently suspicious vehicles, suspicious persons loitering in the area, and unattended vehicles or packages
  • More frequent inspection of restroom facilities, stairwells, and trash receptacles
  • Higher security visibility
  • Greater attention paid to all persons or vehicles seeking to enter the building at loading docks and freight areas (loading docks and freight elevators may be closed)
  • Restrictions on building access

Please feel free to contact the Property Manager at any time about these or other security issues.

Medical Emergency

In the event of a medical emergency or accident involving personal injury, call 911, and then call Building Security at 713-420-2300. Give the Receptionist/Security Officer the Tenant name, building, floor, location on the floor and the type of accident or medical emergency.

Security will respond immediately to your premises and will again summon the appropriate municipalities, EMTs, fire, rescue, or police.

While waiting for Security:

  • DO NOT move the injured person. Keep them warm and calm
  • Advise your company safety coordinator
  • Have someone from your office meet the emergency team at the freight elevator on your floor

Major Water Leaks

Persons discovering water leaks should immediately report them to the Property Management Office. Be certain to give your name, firm name, location, and extent of the leak. If water is coming through the ceiling, and if it is feasible, close all open drawers in the vicinity, move papers or work in progress, place wastebaskets or buckets under leak(s) and move furniture.

Power Failure

In the event of a power outage, remain CALM and call the Property Management Office immediately. Listen for information and instructions from the Building's public address system. An emergency generator will automatically operate selected equipment, such as lights in stairwells and common areas, and the public address system.

During a power outage turn off as much equipment as possible to minimize disruption and damage once power is restored.

Severe Weather

Planning responses to tornadoes and windstorms is difficult. Tornadoes may develop rapidly within thunderstorm cells. The predictability of windstorm activity within thunderstorms is not very accurate. Because of this, a tornado can strike with little or no warning.

If You Observe Stormy Conditions Approaching:

  • Turn on a weather band radio or an AM band radio tuned to KTRH 740 to get timely weather updates from the N.O.A.A. Weather Service.
  • Keep an eye on weather conditions outside to determine if high winds are developing in the immediate vicinity.

If You Observe Storms and High Winds Outside Your Windows:

  • Immediately move all occupants away from exterior windows.
  • Close all doors to outside offices.
  • Move to interior core areas of the floor. Restrooms, freight elevator lobbies, and stairwells offer the best protection from flying debris.
  • Once you have moved to the core area of your floor, remain in place. Do not attempt to evacuate down the stairwells.
  • Do not use the elevators. Elevator service could be interrupted.
  • If a tornado strikes, wait until you are sure the storm has passed before leaving the building core.
  • If a tornado has inflicted damage to your floor, evacuate down the stairwells to the next lowest, undamaged re-entry floor and notify property management immediately

Suspicious and/or Threatening Person

If you see suspicious or offensive persons in the building, please call Security. If possible, make note of appearance, clothing, etc. in order to assist building security in identifying and locating them immediately.

Report any situation involving a threatening person to the Police Department by calling 911 and then notify Security, IMMEDIATELY. Provide as much information as possible including a physical description of the person(s) and their location, whether or not they are armed, the number of hostages and their location (if any).